E. Trees of Perfection
Through the will of Small Face, some return back to the
Creation from the ultimate experience in the Roots of the Tree.
For such souls, the Tree takes special form as “Trees of
Perfection” for whom the illusion of the Fall into dualistic
consciousness of Sefirah Kingdom no longer exists. Awakening
in the path of devotion to Small Face (called bhakti yoga in
India) results in the transformation of the soul into a “Tree of
Perfection Way of the Alef a of Unity” (see
Diagram). On this
Perfect Tree, the power of consciousness (Sans. Chitshakti)
concentrates in the heart center (Sefirah Beauty/Last). A yogi
who has awakened to Vast Face consciousness via the path of
concentration and discrimination between the Real and the
Illusory (raja or jnana yoga in India) comes back in as a “Tree of
Perfection Way of the Ayin i” (see Diagram). On this Perfect Tree,
the power of consciousness concentrates in the throat center in
the visible Sefirah Knowledge/First.
A few rare souls are able to stand in the gate between the two
Faces. This station of consciousness is called vijnana in Sanskrit.
It is alluded to by the “Tree of Peace and Perfection” (see Diagram), wherein the power of consciousness is balanced between
the throat and heart centers. The oddest Tree in the Sefer
HaShmoth is the gateless form of the Tree of Perfection called
the “Tree of the Congregation” (see Diagram).
The transmission of the Sefer HaShmoth yielded no further
information on the nature of this Tree. Other primary qabalistic
sources also yield Trees of Perfection, which will be presented in
subsequent sections.