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5. Trees of Life from Other Primary Qabalisic Sources and Other Mystical Traditions

J. Qabalistic Analysis of the Text

Sefirah Victory (Netzach)

The lowest Sefirah is called Victory. Since this is the lowest Sefirah, it is in the material creation, the waking state of humans. The action of the other Sefiroth upon Sefirah Victory appears as seven “Churches” designated by their respective strengths and weaknesses.
In Sefirah Victory:

Sefirah Victory

Sefirah Strength (Geburah)

The second Sefirah is called Strength or Power. The experience in this Sefirah is the dream state of most humans. The action of the other Sefiroth on Power is given as “Seals.”
In Sefirah Power:

Sefirah Strength

Sefirah Mercy (Gedulah)

The third Sefirah is called Mercy. The experience in this Sefirah, which is in the navel region, is the dream state of most humans. The action of the other Sefiroth on Mercy is given as “Angels with Seven Trumpets.” In Sefirah Mercy:

Sefirah Mercy

Sefirah Thanksgiving (Todah)

The fourth Sefirah is called Thanksgiving. The experience in this Sefirah, which is in the heart region, is beyond the usual experience of humans, appearing as deep sleep to most of them. The action of the other Sefiroth on Thanksgiving is given as “Angels of the End.”
In Sefirah Beauty:

Sefirah Thanksgiving

Sefirah Understanding (Binah)

The fifth Sefirah is called Understanding. The experience in this Sefirah, which is in the throat region, is beyond the usual experiences of humans. The action of the other Sefiroth on Understanding is given as “Angels of the Seven Last Plagues.”
In Sefirah Understanding:

Sefirah Understanding

Sefirah Beauty (Tifareth)

The sixth Sefirah is called Beauty. The experience in this Sefirah, which is in the forehead region, is beyond the usual experiences of humans. The action of the other Sefiroth on Beauty is given as “Angels announcing the End.”
In Sefirah Thanksgiving:

Sefirah Beauty

Sefirah Blessing (Berakhah)

The seventh Sefirah is called Blessing. The experience in this Sefirah, which is at the top of the head, is beyond the usual experiences of humans. The ultimate experiences possible with the Tree of Life are given as “Final Details of the End.”
In Sefirah Blessing:

Sefirah Blessing

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