I. Tree of Life from the Book of Revelation - Introduction
The Revelation of John is an enigmatic, mystically obscure
text. It was originally written in Aramaic, though many
translations are made from the Greek version. The Revelation of
John presents a specialized form of the “Tree of the Treasuries of
the House of Elohim.” This Working Path is intended to take true
disciples of Master Yeshuvah to the “New Jerusalem” in the
crown center via seven series of seven experiences alluded to in
the forty-nine images presented in the text (see Diagram).
This reflects the fact that the Tree has a total of seven Sefiroth which
span the four qabalistic worlds, and also that each of those seven
Sefirah is itself a complete Tree of seven Sefiroth extending
through all four worlds. The forty-nine allusions represent seven
repetitions of the seven Sefiroth acting upon one another. To
more easily understand this, imagine that each of the seven
Sefiroth has a test tube containing a differently colored liquid.
Then, imagine successively pouring some of the colored liquid
from each one into the six others, resulting in a total of forty-nine
different colors. The Revelation Tree has a different set of names
for the Sefiroth than the Tree of the Treasuries of Elohim shown
in second Diagram.
Most interpreters of the Revelationsee all the action described as occurring in the physical plane.
However, the events described in the Revelation occur on
multiple planes. Only the allusions involving the Seven Churches
exist in the lowest Sefirah Victory, representing the physical
plane. The forty-nine allusions in their qabalistic format as a Tree
of Life are presented below.