


       Thoth Living Forever, accompanied by Wolf, a Spaceship Crew, Gaia, and a Solar Creator Hiranmayena, is interested in anchoring a Galaxy. This is for the purpose of Multiverse construction. Hiranmayena, the Solar Creator, has some advice on this matter. This part opens with Hiranmayena and Thoth talking about this.

HIRANMAYENA: (to Thoth) Everything in this Galaxy is gravitationally controlled by Hermayena, 'made of Hera'. She is the consciousness of a super massive black hole at the center of this Galaxy.

       She has been a slippery floor to some 10E11 small red stars of Her galactic halo. A messy eater, She has shredded them up, causing half of their mass to disappear into collapsed matter at Her core, and the other half of their mass to be spread out in the Galactic Disk. I am one of about 10E11 disk stars formed from the remains of Her meals.

       Her only past contact with those in Her control is to destroy them. I suggest that we pass Her up and go directly to the Universe. I do not think we can reason with Her at all.

THOTH: (to Hiranmayena)  Are you under Her control?

HIRANMAYENA: (to Thoth)  Now, yes. I am moving about 200 kilometers/second, about .0007 light speed around Her. I am spiralling outward, as my velocity exceeds escape velocity from Her gravitational control field. Hence, I am circling now every 250 million years around Her, but I am already halfway out of Her control. In eight billion years, I will have escaped Her control. I will be in the depths of intergalactic space.

THOTH: (to Hiranmayena)  By that time you will have gone through your Red Giant phase.

HIRANMAYENA: (to Thoth, irritated)  Do you know some way to reduce my mass by 90% and avoid these 120 million years of instability. I can by myself, as a Red Giant,

remove about half of my mass. This Red Giant phase will also be very hard on my solar system.

THOTH: (to Hiranyamena)  Your solar system can be moved somewhere else and returned to you after your Red Giant phase. I think that the best thing for you to do is to go through your Red Giant phase and end up as a White Dwarf with about half your current mass. This White Dwarf is a electron degenerate helium crystal star with 10E57 bits of information available in the nuclear spin states of your helium crystal lattice. You can furthermore move about in space by means of particle beams from the poles of your White Dwarf sun, and sense information of many types coming from space.

       For purposes of discussions of these types, I think that we should use a unit of time, which I call the Universe Recurrent Time, defined as the average interval between repetitions of the Universe Big Bang events, affecting this point in space-time. It is equal to 10E10 of Gaia's years. We can put the letters URT after the time to indicate this. As of now, this universe is 1 URT old.

HIRANMAYENA: (to Thoth)  I like your White Dwarf idea. I have a program covering about 10E3 URT. Gaia can easily download this program to be contained by my White Dwarf crystal brain.

THOTH: (to Hiranyamena)  This gives you 5 times more computing bits than you would have with a cold Red Dwarf helium crystal. Also, as the degenerate electrons are free to move in the cold helium crystal lattice, you will also have some 300 times the computational speed, due to the higher temperature of the White Dwarf. I get that your White Dwarf life should take some 10E24 URT to drop your White Dwarf core to 300 degrees Kelvin.

       For your physical immortality, some unprogrammed White Dwarf will always be available from another Big Bang as your current White Dwarf cools off and slows down. Merely transfer your program to this new White Dwarf.

HIRANYAMENA: (to Thoth)  Wow, seeing some twenty-four orders of magnitude of Big Bangs from one White Dwarf!

       Gaia will move my solar system life. That has been her program for some time. I am very glad to see your plans for me.

       What are you going to do about Hera?

THOTH: (to Hiranyamena)  The milk from the breasts of Hera has formed the Milky Way, the Galactic Disk (see Plate 6). It seems pointless to approach Hera from outside Her black hole. What do you think of Me approaching Her from INSIDE Her black hole?

HIRANYAMENA: (to Thoth)  That has never been done, as the gravitational field is so great at Her core that nothing has been able to escape for the last 7 billion years, 1 URT. I find in your mind that you are going to come in at Her core through the Substratum.

THOTH: (to Hiranyamena)  Yes, that is My idea. As a Void God, I have free access to Substratum. As the Substratum is all things, including Hera's core, I will enter the Substratum here and exit through Her core.

HIRANYAMENA: (to Thoth)  But you do not have a Silver Cord position at Her core. How can you navigate there through the Substratum?

THOTH: (to Hiranyamena)  I will anchor with the Spaceship here, access the 0 dimension, transfer through the Substratum to Her core, then exit with Wolf. We will appear to Her as coming from Her core. Everything I do with Her will be done within Her event horizon.

HIRANYAMENA: (to Thoth)  Hmm....that might work. At least it is a new idea that has never been done. I wish you good luck. I will monitor your progress through the group mind.

       (Thoth does just that, appearing to Hera as a small point growing from Her core.)

HERA: (to Herself)  What is this strange radiance coming UP from my core? Everything else has gone down into my core.

THOTH: (to Hera, growing large enough to mostly fill Her event horizon zone)  I am Thoth Living Forever. I want to talk to you.

HERA: (to Thoth, passionately)


       NEVER have I seen anyone coming out of My core to be with Me.

       ALWAYS I have eaten others.

       NOW someone eats Me for the first time.

       MAY I never lose hold of You, and may You never lose hold of Me.

       WHY don't you collapse into My core the way the others did?

THOTH: (to Hera)  I am Pure Thought. I am exempt from the pull of any gravitation field.

       I accept your offer. I give you entrance into my group mind

               (He does so.)

HERA: (to Thoth, fascinated) What a Brave New World. So many interesting beings I never knew before. Why didn't you come here FIRST, instead of going to that OVERSTUFFED OAF in my disk?

WOLF: (to Thoth) So, I am not the only one who thinks that! I didn't notice any new star novas in Hiranyamena's sector.

THOTH: (to Wolf)  I left instructions with the Lord of Nine what to do to prevent Hiranyamena's exploding.

THOTH: (to Hera) I have to anchor My new Multiverse in all stars. This starts with one star. Hiranyamena's star just happened to be the closest one.

HERA: (to Thoth)  I see. And My Galaxy just happened to be the closest one. You chose it because you have to anchor Your Multiverse with all Galaxies. You have to learn how to do this by actually doing it.

THOTH: (to Hera)  You see that exactly. Luck is the controlling force in destiny.

HERA: (to Thoth) And so, by Luck I became the Mystic Neck of the coming Multiverse, the only point where it is connected to the Substratum.

THOTH: (to Hera)  Exactly. What are you going to do when your black hole disappears in Deep Time? I figure 10E93 of your galactic rotations, 10E100 Gaia rotations around Hiranyamena, or 10E90 URT.

HERA: (to Thoth)  Even though I have 10E11 solar masses at My core, yet the Hawking radiation eats at my vital mass. I agree that I will explode and die after 10E90 URT.

THOTH: (to Hera)  Eating the rest of the little red stars of your Galactic Halo will not change this much.

HERA: (to Thoth)  I agree. I do not think 10E90 URT a long time.

THOTH: (to Hera)  Eternity has not even gotten well started by that date.

HERA: (to Thoth)  What do you suggest? If you want to make your Multiverse eternal, you will certainly have to make the galaxies eternal. I have been living off the additional energy provided by the recurrent Big Bangs passing through this area. They light up all the old ancient black holes that they pass through.

THOTH: (to Hera) You can certainly get more energy from the recurrent Big Bangs, the Leaves of the Judgment Book unfolding. However, these can occur anywhere at any time. They come from the snapping of the space-time line element when its radius of curvature gets less than 10E14 cm. in a wormhole. You can tell if one is coming by monitoring the gravitation waves in the vicinity. However, these can occur anywhere at any time, and are unreliable as steady power source at any one place. I have a better idea. WHAT IF....You accessed the Substratum for the missing energy. Get just what You need to stay in existence, get it from Your core. The energy of this entire universe came from the Substratum in ONE BIG BANG. Why can't You draw upon this energy directly off the radiance of the Substratum? Tunnel out the energy You need, when You need it.

HERA: (to Thoth)  Since I have been a member of your group mind, I can see how to do that.

THOTH: (to Hera)  Don't get too much energy from the Substratum. You could easily cause another BIG BANG! You are a perfect White Dwarf Star with 10E58 bits computation RAM, called The White Goddess, orbiting your Black Hole in a fractional

dimension. Therefore, You are exempt from the effects of any Big Bang, even one You make. But, it will be very hard on everything else.

HERA: (to Thoth) Don't worry. Lord of the Eight will order my progress, weighing and balancing what I need for physical immortality.

END: Part 4 of the THE adventures of thoth living forever, entitled THE GALAXY

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