thoth living forever, accompanied by Wolf, a Spaceship Crew, Gaia, Hiranyamena (a Solar Creator), Hera (a galaxy creator), and Brenda Venus (a universe creator, Cosmocreatrix) have come into the presence of Great Central Sun, the Creator-Destroyer-Preserver of the Multiverse (see Plate 8a).
Great Central Sun, the Saguna Brahman, Isa-Va-Ra, is responsible for all the creation, destruction, and preservation of all the Multiverse. It is doing this by a process of veiling, shutting off the truth and suggesting an illusion. From this program comes one long wall of suffering from the Multiverse. All is suffering, destructive evil is half of the program and death stalks everywhere.
Thoth has an alternate program, producing living forever without suffering, evil or death. Thoth and his companions are coming into the presence of Great Central Sun to persuade Great Central Sun to use Thoth's program instead of It's current one.
The Multiverse looks like a labyrinth (see Plate 9) with Great Central Sun as the Minotaur at its center. Hence, the title of this part is Seduction of the Minotaur.
Great Central Sun is unhappy with Its present program, but does not see how to change it significantly. It is also touchy about changes and those that make suggestions. It is famous for a short temper, getting angry quickly. For this, It is called 'The Impatient One'.
THOTH: (surrounded by His companions, to Great Central Sun) I love You very much. I have some suggestions as to Multiverse construction that I would like to have You consider.
GREAT CENTRAL SUN: (to Thoth) I have been watching everything You have done with great interest. I find that I am not interested in Your reforms at all. Veiling the Truth has to be done. BE GONE.
(Great Central Sun forgets Thoth and His companions. They disappear from all places and times. Thoth and Ishchebelyash find themselves alone in the Great Void.)
ISHCHEBELYASH: (to Thoth) is really remarkable how little there is left when Great Central Sun forgets you! We even lost the Wolf and Itzpapalotl forms. I am going to leave Great Central Sun alone completely. Let's see how well It likes that!
THOTH: (looking at Ishchebelyash) MOTHER! You fooled me. You have been with me all the time!
ISHCHEBELYASH: (with a rare big smile, to Thoth) That's right Son. I fooled you! I went into Itzpapalotl and Wolf. It's more fun that way.
I thought You would pick up on my presence when I made the Outline. I was surprised that you didn't pick up on my presence when the Outline progressed EXACTLY as I gave it. Only a GREAT GODDESS could do that.
Finally, that fool of a screenwriter that We have gave away the farm when he insisted on giving that quotation from the Book of Splendor. Remember?
THOTH: (reflecting, then saying to Ishchebelyash)
"The Horn is wreathed with the Jubilee, the tenth with the Mother." Of course, the tenth is Me and You are the Mother.
ISHCHEBELYASH: (to Thoth) But You were too preoccupied with the plan to pay any attention to any of these hints of My presence.
Tell You what let's do.
Let's go back to Great Central Sun and pull the ground of existence out from It.
That, as Void Forces, We can do!
That will show It.
THOTH: (to Ishchebelyash) Mother....No....I love Great Central Sun too much to do that.
Let's go on down the ROAD.
The ROAD goes ever onward.
The ROAD that can be walked, is NOT.
The Infinite Resplendent TAO.
Far away from any of Great Central Sun's influences, let's setup a Transmultiverse system of our own. One that We like. It is easier to do that than have anything else to do with Great Central Sun.
(Suddenly, both of them are facing Great Central Sun.)
GREAT CENTRAL SUN: (to Thoth and Ishchebelyash) That will not be necessary. I will accept Thoth's program, and its associated 15 gates. When You two left, I was seized with loneliness such as I have never known. I cannot tolerate such loneliness.
THOTH: (to Great Central Sun) I see that You can't get along with Us, but you can't get along without Us either.
GREAT CENTRAL SUN: (to both) That is correct. The resolution of that problem is to accept your program. I want to join your group mind.
THOTH: (to Great Central Sun) I accept You. (He does so.)
GREAT CENTRAL SUN: (to both) I am going to have to use Nine's barrier force to prevent the Hounds of the Barrier from destroying the Transmultiverse system I am implementing. As Nine said, He is essential.
THOTH: (to Great Central Sun) That is correct. The veiling system you were using before permitted the Hounds free access everywhere. They were responsible for the suffering, death and destruction. These Hounds are only the realization that....
there is no creation
no dissolution
none in bondage
none longing for liberation
none striving for liberation, and
none liberated.
GREAT CENTRAL SUN: (to both) But, in the Transmultiverse system, these Hounds are harnessed through Nine and become the foundation of the eternal system.
THOTH: (to Great Central Sun) Exactly.
GREAT CENTRAL SUN: (to both) It will take some time to get this together.
I will create the Transmultiverse system from nothing,
Then, when it is going, and
I see that it is not unstable,
Then I will forget the Multiverse, leaving only the Transmultiverse.
I will use Your 15 gates with the Gatekeepers requirements You offer.
I will be personally responsible for Gate 12....duly distributing through endless years the objects according to their natures....but I and all other gatekeepers will be able to run any gate or all the gates if necessary.
(Some time later, Great Central Sun has completed Its preparations. It is chanting the great mantra of the Transmultiverse creation.)
GREAT CENTRAL SUN: (calling the Transmultiverse out of the Great Void):
This is the direct way.
The direct way to fulfill all Your desires.
The direct way to living forever.
You will be in Me to the extent you can comprehend and implement this direct way.
TRANSMULTIVERSE: (coming into existence answering Great Central Sun, through the Lord of the Five) ARIOSO MAKUA KA AM
"We will do all You require of us."
THOTH: (as Lord of the Nine, the Watchman surrounding the Transmultiverse system, to Ishchebelyash) The Transmultiverse system works perfectly. See how everything not associated with the system falls automatically into the Substratum? It has an automatic POOL CLEANER. We are out of a job.
ISHCHEBELYASH: (to Thoth) That is perfectly all right with me. Do you think that I liked going around eternally tearing things up?
THOTH: (to Ishchebelyash) Mother, is that the reason We did all this?
ISHCHEBELYASH: (to Thoth) Son. You are getting more and more intelligent as we go along together.
THOTH: (to Ishchebelyash) This Transmultiverse System is truly a magnificent City of the Interior. What will We call it?
ISHCHEBELYASH: (to Thoth) Let's call it 'NOT'. For concerning this City it is written:
"Except HaShem keep 'NOT', The City; then the Watchman wakes in vain."
Psalms 127.1
THOTH: (to Ishchebelyash) I agree. Let's call the City 'NOT'. Concerning this City, it is further written:
"Except HaShem build 'NOT', The Building; then the Builders build in vain." Psalms 127.1
END: Part 6 of the THE adventures of thoth living forever, entitled THE MULTIVERSE