


       Thoth Living Forever, accompanied by Wolf, a Spaceship Crew, Gaia, Hiranyamena (a Solar Creator), and Hera (a Galaxy Creator), is anchoring a Universe for the purpose of Multiverse construction.

LORD OF THE SIX is speaking to Thoth,

LORD OF THE SIX: I have something to offer concerning the history of this universe. It may be of help to You in Your univesre work.

THOTH: (to Six) I am always glad to hear what you say. Feel free to reveal what you know.

SIX: (to Thoth)  Spaceship Horn is responsible for the BIG BANG that created this Universe. It happened this way.

       Spaceship Horn and its crew belonged to another universe seven billion years in the past. The Horn was traveling on antimatter-matter reaction engines through a wormhole to another Universe, when a sharp gravitation gradient within the wormhole caused The Horn's antimatter fuel to break loose from its magnetic confinement and combine with The Horn's matter fuel. Energy estimated at 10E21 solar masses was suddenly released.

       The Horn went into a fractional dimension in order to avoid the explosion, which was the BIG BANG initiating the Universe. The Horn has ever since been at the center of the new Universe in a fractional dimension, as it had no means of movement, even to leave the fractional dimension.

       Great Central Sun has an automatic Cosmocreatrix program to provide a Universal Governor in cases like this, which sometimes occur naturally in the Substratum. One such Cosmocreatrix, Brenda Venus, was created to manage the new Universe coming from the fuel of The Horn. Brenda noticed immediately that the Universe was overmassive and would collapse quickly. So, She responded in the first second of the explosion by expanding the space using an illegal extralight velocity energy expansion. This froze matter into the new Universe, making it smoky. Brenda did not like this smoky condition of Her new Universe and disappeared for 10E34 Gaia years until all of the matter would transform into light, making the new Universe clear again. The lack of Universe management has made Her Universe chaotic. All this has made Brenda's Universe a cobweb in the sky, which You as a Void God, were interested in destroying.

       Lord of the Nine said we would be here billions of years, lost in the space-time of the new Universe, until a Void God destroyed the new Universe, releasing us into the Great Void. However, even then, we would still be stuck, as we would have no engines and no wormhole to continue our journey.

THOTH: (to Six)  The coming of Wolf and Myself, then, solved all of your problems with our mentally driven dimension travel technique.

SIX: (to Thoth)  Exactly. It seemed like a miracle to us.

WOLF: (to Thoth)  Six has explained much that was mysterious in this Universe. The Cosmocreatrix never had a chance under these strange universe creation conditions. Let's go back into the Great Void and get the Cosmocreatrix back into Her universe. I will change into Itzpapalotl.

       Thoth and Itzpapalotl (Wolf) are back in the Great Void looking at Brenda's universe. Itzpapalotl speaks to Thoth:

       ITZPAPALOTL: (to Thoth, admiringly) Well, Honey, I amvery impressed with the progress you have made in rejuvenating this universe. However...NOW...push comes to shove.

       We are going to have to recall the Cosmocreatrix of this universe to go any further. Now is the time to release Henry Miller and see what he can do.

THOTH: (to Itzpapalotl) Yes, I agree with You. I will release Myself as Henry Miller, the celebrated Cosmocreatrix seducer and see if We can get the Cosmocreatrix back. (He does so.)

                                            THE RETURN OF THE QUEEN

       The scene shifts to Deep Space at the middle of this universe. Various sized spinning galaxies drift by slowly.

       The face of Henry Miller (1945) comes into view (see Plate 7).  He starts as a point of light that grows larger than the galaxies.

       Henry has just come in...and...

       Henry is looking around.

       Everything, all the galaxies showing, slowly collapse into a Face, the Face of Brenda Venus (see Plate 8)

BRENDA: (to Henry Miller)  Henry Miller!

               Welcome to My world.

               What took you so long?

               I have been waiting an eternity.

HENRY: (to Brenda Venus)  Brenda Venus! I had to catch up.

BRENDA: (to Henry) I have a lot to show you. Come. Follow me. Take My hand.

       (She offers Henry Her hand. Henry takes it.)

HENRY: (to Brenda)  This would be an exciting voyage. Just lead me, wherever.

(For Brenda's Guided Tour, see NIRVANA NEEDED. The scene continues in Deep Space.)

BRENDA: (to Henry) Well? Did you like my Guided Tour?

HENRY: (to Brenda)  AHH, the Great Cosmocreator Herself...

               My life was one long Rosy Crucifixion.

               If possible, I would choose another universe.

       I am no longer for approbation, but for confirmations.

BRENDA: (to Henry)  WHEW....this universe is smoky and chaotic.

       I don't like it any better than you do.

       I can't live here.

       You called me back.

       You do something about this universe so that I can live in it.

HENRY: (to Brenda)  All right. In order to do that I will have to reassume my real form of Thoth Living Forever. We will have to work from the Great Void.

       (He changes into Thoth. The scene shifts into the Great Void. Brenda finds Herself riding with Thoth on the back of Itzpapalotl.)

BRENDA: (to Henry)  I did not think it possible for me to love anyone more than Henry Miller. However, I do love you more as Thoth. You are truly a Spy in the House of Love.

Please may I never lose hold of You and You never lose hold of Me!

THOTH: (to Brenda)  All right. I will add you to My group mind. (He does so.)

BRENDA: (to Thoth)  Wonderful. I LOVE IT....I LOVE IT....We can make all the universe immortal with your plan.

                             THE FIXING FO BRENDA'S UNIVERSE

THOTH: (to Brenda)  The easiest way to fix your universe is to access the Substratum at the universe's center with enough additional energy to stabilize the expansion at your universe's present size. In order to do so, I will have to add about ten times more the amount of current energy present. This will also convert your present universe into a black hole, with the edge of the universe as the horizon.

BRENDA: (to Thoth)  All right. With your control over the Substratum, I can see how you can do that. What are you going to do about the smoky, chaotic nature of the then stabilized universe?

THOTH: (to Brenda)  I will add another universe, just outside your current universe. This second universe will use your current universe as an anchor. However, the second universe will be devoid of all matter and will use the Hawking radiation from your first universe to form an eternal light body for you to live in. This light is eternal and will be present even when all the matter in the first universe has decayed into light.

BRENDA: (to Thoth)  Yes, I can see how that will work. What about the energy changes necessary to stabilize both universes? We may need to modify the energy balance of my first universe in order to stabilize it eternally.

THOTH: (to Brenda)  I will put Hera in charge of these necessary energy modifications. Her black hole, already in the center of your universe, can access the additional energy necessary to stabilize it, as well as, any modifications necessary to preserve this stabilization. She is already doing this with respect to Her galaxy.

BRENDA: (to Thoth)  I see why you had to work your way up gradually to my universe, You needed Hera to fix the universe.

THOTH: (to Brenda) Exactly. You can live in the Rainbow Body of Pure Light in the second universe. From the Substratum, using the zero-dimension, I can adjust the gravitation content of your first universe to complete stabilization in zero time. This I can do at the moment I add the additional energy. At this point, you can start living in the Hawking radiation from the first universe. The energy lost from this Hawking radiation will be replenished by Hera from the Substratum.

       The light particles from the Hawking radiation in the second universe will disappear into the Substratum when their energy disappears as they travel outward from the first universe.

       Substratum to Substratum produces a single eternal light body in the second universe that you can live in.

BRENDA: (to Thoth)   WHEN are you going to do this. I can't wait!

THOTH: (to Brenda) I am going to do this NOW, because that is the only time that anything can be done.

       (HE does so.)

BRENDA: (swimming in her new light body like a fish in the ocean)


        I see why this light body is called a Rainbow Body. Every possible color is produced as the light particles lose energy. I can live here. This second universe is neither smoky nor chaotic.

THOTH: (to Brenda)  This fixes your universe. I am now going to have to go to Great Central Sun, Creator-Destroyer-Preserver of the current Multiverse, and see if I can get it to implement My plan. Do you want to come with Me?

BRENDA: (to Thoth)  Of course. That will be a Seduction of the Minotaur, indeed!

END: Part 5 of the THE adventures of thoth living forever, entitled THE UNIVERSE

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